The 11th WBC
The 11th Wakate BRC Conference (WBC) was held at Moriwaki Hall (RIKEN Tsukuba) and Zoom (Hybrid) on Nov. 20.
Joint plans were also made with the RIKEN Mutual Benefit Society Tsukuba Division: donuts and coffee were provided during breaks, and a social event was held in the evening with drinks and food.
Dr. Satoshi FUNAYA introduced himself as a new member, and the following members gave presentations.
★Poster Presentation★
Michiko HIROSE: Generation and analysis of IRS2 KO Hamster
Satoshi FUNAYA: Genome-wide analysis of histone variant H3.3 in mouse cloned embryo
Dinh Quoc PHAM: High cleavage rate and developmental efficiency of mouse embryos cloned from embryonic stem cells High cleavage rate and development efficiency of mouse embryos cloned from embryonic stem cells
Takaki TATEBE: Analysis of the autophagy system in somatic cell nuclear transferred embryos
Syun TOKITA: Identification of genes responsible for placental enlargement in intersubspecles hybrid mice generated by intracytoplasmic sperm injection