Awarded the best poster presentation awards at the study meeting of the Program of totipotency, held for young researchers.

Naomi (Ms. Watanabe) & Aya (Dr. Uchida) were awarded the best poster presentation awards at the 2022 study meeting for young researchers held on July 6th and 7th. This meeting was hosted by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, Program of totipotency: From decoding to designing.

Naomi Watanabe: Best poster presentation award 
Title: An establishment and characterization of nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells from wild-derived mouse strains.

Aya Uchida: Best poster presentation award
Title: Protaminization of somatic cell nucleus – A potential tool for animal cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer –

Original “Totipotency” T-shirts were given to them as special presents.

Naomi and Aya