The 69th JALAS Meeting -Sendai, Miyagi-

The 69th JALAS (Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science) Meeting was held in Sendai City, Miyagi Pref.
Five members made presentations at the meeting.

*Symposium 2*
Theme: The Golden Hamster: Revisited old animal models for new ideas
Atsuo OGURA: Reproductive and developmental characteristics of the golden hamster and generation of knockout hamsters

*LAS Seminar 3* 
Theme: Learn more, laboratory species!
Michiko HIROSE: Cute, but so great, “hamster”

*Poster Session*
Kimiko INOUE:Elucidation of placenta-specific imprinted genes responsible for hyperplasia in somatic cell nuclear transferred placentas 
Ayumi HASEGAWA:Effects of superovulation treatment on pregnancy and strain differences 
Naomi WATANABE:An establishment and characterization of nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells from wild-derived mouse strains 
69th JALAS

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